Vincent He
I am a PhD student from Melbourne, Australia, graduating with a B.Eng (Eng-Aero) (Hons) and B.Sci (Math-Dbl) from Monash University (2019). I thoroughly enjoy a multidisciplinary environment which led me to this research group and to undertake a PhD. In it, I investigate the potential for droplet microfluidic methods to enable previously unfeasible lyotropic liquid crystal studies. The rapid prototyping and engineering design of microfluidic geometries together with regular beamtime at the Australian synchrotron, for in-situ acquisition of liquid crystal mesophase transformations, has made my PhD extremely fulfilling.
My enthusiasm for multidisciplinary projects grew from my participation and exposure to such projects during my undergraduate. These include years of leading the aerodynamic division for the student engineering team Monash Human Power, a summer research placement on acoustic metasurfaces with Defence Science Technology and my final year research project with this current lab characterising a sound wave activated nano-sieve (SWANS). Outside the lab I enjoy playing music (Guitar, Ukulele, Vox), practising calligraphy and tinkering with my 3D printer which helps me to design and create small gadgets for home or lab use. As a Christian, I often read the bible with others and serve at my local church. I also enjoy the discipline and challenge of strength training and am an avid coffee enthusiast, which is beneficial in sustaining my amalgamation of activities and commitments. |
- R. Habibi, V. He, S. Ghavamian, A. de Marco, Tzong-Hsien Lee, Marie-Isabel Aguilar, D. Zhu, R. Lim, A. Neild. Lab Chip, 2020,20, 3633-3643